


Thanks to the cooperat on of many of you I am abl present the results of 140 questionairs returned I am sorry that more wer not available at the time of this correlation but I would like to ask any of you who have not returned them and who are still willing to do so to send them in I have been asked by SEXOLOGY MAGAZINE to do an article for them on the results of this questionaire and I hope to do one for on of the medical journals Naturally the more cases reported

upon the better so send the rest in

There were a number of questions asked on the questionaire which will not be reported upon Some of them were put in to giv a sense of completeness to the whole some as fllers or spacers btween important questions and some b cause at the time they seemed clearcut but in view of the variations in ans were received were omitted What remains is I think a val uable contribution to the subject of transvestism

For the critics I d like to be the first to state that I am aware of the many pitfalls in a survey of this type Allow ing for human fra lities and reluctance to admit certain things for errors of memory and for the tendency to build up things considered favorable and to minimize those that seem unfavor able I b lieve that even with these conservative considera tons the r sults are significant In most catagories the re sults are so decisively different that even an error of 10 15% would not materially affect the conclusions to be drawn There are questions in which the totals do not come to 140 nor the %bages to 100 This is because all questions were not answered by all respondents and bec use the % figures are rounded off

So what are the significant observations that can be made on the results obtained? I will venture the following comments on the various questions taking them in the order that they appear in the summary: The age, height and weight distributions are pretty much what one would expect in the population at large showing no significant variation. Educationally TVs seem to have a higher percentage of college, graduate, and professional